Inclusion Assistance Program
Be a Sponsor
Current Sponsors: Connor Sports Flooring, Mac's Creek Foundation, and Ray & Colleen Kudwa.
Advertise your business while helping a child! By purchasing a sponsorship you will be helping a child take classes at Inclusion Dance. You will also get your business advertised on the website, recital programs, showcase t-shirts, and much more!
Sponsorship Information
Current Sponsors: Connor Dance Flooring, Mac's Creek Foundation, and Ray & Colleen Kudwa.
Supporters of the Inclusion Assistance Program can also choose to support a particular student’s tuition for any class. Please call or text (906) 365-5404 for more information. You can remain anonymous if you choose.
Find out more about the program by going to the Inclusion Dance website at
Payment Info
You can write a check, bring cash to the studio, or purchase a sponsorship online by using a credit card, PayPal or Venmo.
Contact Us
Our address
401 Superior Ave
Crystal Falls, MI 49920
Phone Contact Hours
9 AM-5 PM